Hello there! Welcome to the Water Blog!

How would you like to learn about what it's like to live on a boat on the water? Does that sound like fun? Then this blog is for you!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thank you for coming to visit the Water Blog!

We are aboard our sailboat which is called Midnight Sun, and we want to show you a little of the inside.  If you already read our first post last week, then you might be here because you want to meet our crew.  Is that right?

Well let’s get started!

The crew is eager to show you around.  Who shall we start with?   Let’s take a peek below the deck and see who we find first…
Here's our kitchen, which is called a galley because it's on a boat.  Do you see anyone there?

There's Sushi!  Sushi is our Sous Chef.  He likes this fancy name for his job on board.  He helps with cooking, and he especially likes fish!  Right now he's looking for a good recipe for dinner tonight...

Shall we see who else we can find?  Here's a picture of our chart table:

Right now, the Captain is repairing our fresh water pump.  There are tools all over the place!  Baily is the Assistant Mechanic, which means that she helps with fixing things, and giving the right tools to the Captain.  Here's a better picture of her with the toolbox.

And sharing the space of the chart table, there's another member of our crew...

That's Perry the Penguin.  Perry’s job is Assistant Navigator.  He helps read the maps, which are called charts on a boat.  They show us which way to go on the water, and where the towns and beaches are.  He's checking the chart there to see how to get from Marsh Harbour where we are right now, to Hope Town where there's a beautiful tall red and white striped lighthouse.  We'll have to show you pictures of that when we get there.

He’s excited about planning this trip.   Do you like to go on trips?  What’s your favorite place to visit?  Maybe you can tell us about one of your favorite trips.  We'd love to hear!

There’s one more member of our crew.  Shall we explore the inside of the boat a little more?  Let's go forward to the front of the boat, which is called the bow.

Oh I think I see someone reading a book in the V berth.  That’s a funny name, isn't it? It’s called that because it has a shape like the letter V, and beds on boats are called berths. 

So I’d like to introduce you to Haley the Husky.  Haley loves to read and explore, so her job is to help us decide where to go, and what to do.  We call her the Cruise Director.  Maybe there’s a beautiful beach near Hope Town where we can go swimming.  She’ll try to find out about it for us.

So now you’ve met almost all of the crew:  Sushi the Sous Chef, Perry the Assistant Navigator, Baily the Assistant Mechanic, and Haley the Cruise Director. 

Who would you like to take with you on a boat trip?  How could they help?  

You know who we haven’t met yet?  The Captain!  Next time I write I’ll introduce you to the Captain and he can show you some more of the boat.

Thanks for visiting us again!  We all loved showing you around and telling you a little more about our boat, Midnight Sun. 

See you next time!

Angela & Stuart
Baily, Haley, Perry & Sushi
Aboard Midnight Sun
@Marsh Harbour

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